Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: GC Day 22: Take a Picture of your Wardrobe!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

GC Day 22: Take a Picture of your Wardrobe!

     Hello Cuties, I've been rather busy with work.  I'm SO tired I wish work wasn't so constant.  I need a break.  。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。 In my latest post, I mentioned I was excited to do this GC entry and finally I've completed it!  As the title reads, I am to take a picture of my wardrobe (assuming my Gyaru wardrobe).  Now I don't have a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing set up just yet, so I picked my closet apart and took pictures of my clothing.  If I were to keep it strickly Gyaru / Japanese brand, this post would be extremely short lmao.  So, I've tweaked the specifics of this post to "my Gyaru friendly wardrobe"
Exactly what do I mean by "Gyaru friendly"?  Overall I mean this won't be exclusively brand items,  what I'm going for is similar appearance or motif, if you will.  The reason I am doing this is because, I still get questions from individuals who are new to or interested in Gyaru but are afraid they can't be considered Gyaru if they don't wear Japanese brand clothing.  I want to show readers and those interested, that achieving the Gyaru look doesn't depend on how much you spend or where you get your stuff from.  I also thought it would be nice to showcase how these pieces can be worn with past coordinates.  If I find that my coords are insufficient, I'll provide others' examples.
Let's Start!

O u t e r w e a r
 thrifted   forever21
I remember that day (of the 1st picture), it was EXTREMELY cold I had to layer up so much I ended up looking poofy and I hated my choice of tights.  So whenever I get the chance to utilize the brown suede coat in a better way, I'll be happy.  
 Charlotte Russe   Rue21
Sadly I still haven't given the green coat mush shine time.  I need to get better at this y'all, but New Orleans usually has a handful of cold days out of the year.  Nevertheless, here are some examples of how I would use this military styled coat!  (Now you see why I always say the coat reminds me of d.i.a.)

 thrifted   Rue21 (also thrifted)

I have 2 houndstooth coats but rarely use them so I've inserted coordinates that show coat being used in 3 different substyles!  Hopefully I'll get more usage out of my outerwear this year.
 Baby Phat
This coat can be seen in my "Turn Back Time" post.

This too has yet to get its time to shine ;; but I really want to wear it with my Ma*rs set!  It can be coordinated in agejo or any cute / sweet style.  Although its a bit too casual for such, ott himegyaru coords sometimes incorporate bunny ear outerwear.

 Walmart (believe it or not~)
I've been pictured in this jacket only twice, which needs to change, but here are some other quick examples of how any animal print coat, jacket or sweater can be utilized.

 thrifted   thrifted
Here are multiple coordinate examples exhibiting different styles.  Some of the cardigans are from Liz Lisa and DaTuRa, but I feel like you can get the same "feel or look" with other cardigans.  It all depends on how you dress it up.

T o p s
➀ thrifted  ➁ Dear My Love
When it comes to tops, white and cream blouses are the most useful if you're more into Himekaji.  And while any blouse looks nice paired with suspender skirts and frilly skirts, I noticed the type of collar makes a difference.  Finding tops with sailor collars, peter pan collars, lace or scalloped collars is a huge plus.  Other aspects to look for are lace plackets.  These details aid in making your coordinate very sweet, dainty and princess-like.

 taobao Liz Lisa replica
I have not worn this yet but I can't wait to!

 Bobon21  ➄ Dreamv
The Dreamv top can be worn with denim or with an accent skirt for added length; I like it better as the latter.

➅ Ma*rs  ➆ taobao Liz Lisa replica
Similar to the Dreamv top, I like to wear this with a skirt for added length!  It's basically me trying to fulfill my desire for a Liz Lisa one piece lol 

 taobao Liz Lisa replica
I was surprised with how well it looked when I paired this blouse with a denim skirt.  Honestly, you can have a lot of fun with Liz Lisa / replica items.  Just take a look at the shop staff's coords.

➈ Wet Seal (thrifted)
I'm dying to wear this (this is the only issue with buying summer clothes in winter).  Since I have no coord references, here are some shop staff pictures featuring "zippered" tops!

⑩ thrifted  ⑪ Forever21
Technically these are sweaters but I intend to use them both as oversized sweaters and as dresses.  It's a great look for Onee or Agejo, even Himekaji!
 Here's both items worn in either fashion.

D r e s s e s
➀ taobao Liz Lisa replica

➁ Charlotte Russe  ➂ offbrand
* both coordinates are shown in the outerwear section

S k i r t s

 taobao  ➁ taobao Liz Lisa replica
As I mentioned before, I usually use my skirts as an added layer for length.  Skirts are the best things to have in your wardrobe in my opinion.  It's easy to pair them with lots of blouses for a cutesy look, especially if you're like me and buy them all in white or cream.  They "cute" up any outfit immediately.  Over the years I've come across the best skirt styles in Forever21 and Rue21.  Forever21 tends to incorporate frills and lace a lot so their items are nice for Himekaji.

➃ Forever21

➄ Charlotte Russe

➅ Ma*rs
For your and my sanity, I've excluded shoes and accessories lol  I would probably take another week to post this if I included such.  However, if you wanted to see my shoe and accessory collection, let me know; I'll try my best!

     I apologize for taking so long to update TT.  It was the beginning of Carnival time when I started this.  Mardi Gras has passed and so has Valentine's day!  Time is flying man.  I wanted to have a look or video prepared for Valentine's day but it didn't work out.  But don't fret, I may still do it because who says heart and pink themed is JUST for Valentine's day?!  I hope everyone is staying healthy and warm! See you in the next post.

~ Love you!! x Amiman ~


  1. Omgah....your wardrobe is goals!!!! So many different and beautiful pieces! I love how you coordinate everything. And no matter what style you do, you always look amazing <3

    1. Aaahh~ you're so sweet~ I definitely try my best to show different coordinates using what I have lol I'll always wonder "have I worn this exact coord before?" lmao ♥ And your wardrobe is goals too!!!
      - Amiman♥
