Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Word on the J-street | Trends this Winter!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Word on the J-street | Trends this Winter!

I was sitting around and thought, why not do another
✧Word on the J-Street✧
╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ ˂ᵒ͜͡ᵏᵎ⁾✩
I've been ogling coats all season, I really want to go back
to the thrift store and find some really nice ones!  I'm still
on the lookout for the perfect oversized denim jacket as well
as a camouflage jacket.

These are just observations I've made from Tokyo Fashion
Statement Pieces:
Long coats + Oversized coats
 There are lots of "stand out" outerwear and coats are the best
way to top off an outfit!  Seeing that a coat has to cover up
most of your coordinate, shouldn't it be as flamboyant rather
than mask the rest?
(P-chan is all grown up ;__;)
And this last photo brings me to the next trend!

Baggy pants
I also noticed plaid seems to be around a lot, I wish I could pull
off plaid pants but ehhhh it only reminds me of grade and high
school ꒰⁎×﹏×⁎꒱՞༘✡ so unflattering ;;
EDIT: the next day, my dad told me he just watched a piece on
TV about Japanese fashion trends and that "baggy pants were in";
how ironic!

All credits go to Tokyo Fashion
[insta x | website x]

In other news (but vaguely related because of winter)
I finally got to see snow!~~~~ Yaaaay! It was only a little but
my heart is happy ♥  I was so excited, I went outside to take
pictures of it still in my pajamas!
But seriously how do you y'all deal with actual snow?
I've slipped on ice for 2 days now, our city can't
function this way lmao

Until next time~
~ Love you! x Amiman ~

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