Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Let's Play (K)atch up! (gets + outings)

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Let's Play (K)atch up! (gets + outings)

     Hello Cuties~  What have you been up to?  Big surprise, I've been working an awful lot lol.  Of course that doesn't stop me from shopping and having some fun~
     Y'all, I've been thrifting so much lately.  But on the plus side, I now have 2 pieces to start the "cult party kei" portion of my wardrobe!
     For the most part I want soft, light colors but I also like the "dark cult party kei" look.  I haven't had any luck finding lighter things yet, but I won't give up!  I'm looking for peignoirs / robes when I thrift but I feel like I'll never find one like I want lol.  I also need more lacy tops and dresses.  Oh and maybe a corset like top!  The cardigan/robe is originally from forever21.  The skirt has shorts made into them (and has pockets)!
     I LOVE this blouse.  It's made by bebe and my favorite parts about it are the sheer chest panels and the lace trim over the bust.  I see myself using this a lot in the future~
     Honestly I wouldn't be mad if my entire closet becomes dusty pink, cream, white, beige and black!  I picked this blouse up in hopes of using it for multiple styles.
     When I saw this I couldn't pass it up!  I'll wear it throughout the seasons, but it'll match my coat so well during winter; plus it fits perfectly!
     I'm sure you can tell by the tag this is also another forever21 item lol  Initially I thought "eh it's kind of cute" but trying it on immediately changed my mind!  This will be a perfect top to pair with jeans or shorts, wedge heels, and a sun hat for a very "Springy" himekaji coordinate~  A charming plus is the ribbon tie on the back
     Now this last item is a gift to me from the SWEETEST gal on earth! *cue the waterworks* 。・+゚゚(うд´。)゚゚+・。  Kieli completely surprised me with this Liz Lisa piece!
*choir sings*
     I can't wait to wear this!!! It's so sweet and romantic with it's ruffles, floral print and lace sleeves.  The chest, bow, and bottom panel are soft like suede.  I've already started playing with coordinate ideas.  I'M SO EXCITED!  I feel like I haven't thanked you enough my sweet gal, I love you Kieli !
Besides shopping I've been going out to eat and hanging out with friends (another surprise amirite).
     Finally got to try the new ramen joint near my house (*whispers* Nomiya is still better~~~~ lol)  I also got to try a restaurant that was new to me!  Kelsey treated me to some amazing vegan food!  Carmo serves what is described as "tropical cuisine" and I enjoyed every bit of it.  I cheated a little but next time I'll do better~
 Maya and I are still up to up usual shenanigans at Freezy Street.
The man spelled my nickname out in caramel too ((*´艸`*))
     The weather is being so odd lately, last week was so cold, but yesterday was warm enough to try out the new milkshake spot, Shake Therapy!  My sweetheart treated me to this sweet treat maybe one day I will introduce you guys to him if he's okay with it.
Next time I'm getting an entire donut on top and no one can stop me! ( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )

     Ps. Even though it was only just last post where I said I'd stop depending on lenses but psh, who am I kidding I want new lenses so badly 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。 welp, see you next post!

~ Love you! x Amiman ~


  1. I LOVE YOU TOO <3 I'm so glad you love it! It looks gorgeous on you! I can't wait to see coords!!! As I told you, if I find more from that collection, I'm sending them your way xD
    I wish I had your thrifting skills lol. I can never find good shops that will have treasures like the ones you have.
    And your food pics always look so good!!!!!

    1. *STILL CRYING TEARS* My heart flips every time I see it in my closet like "aaaah~ ♥"! And omg you're too kind how will I ever repay you (T~T)
      Oh man I wish we could thrift together! Some days are a big "miss" day lol heck, most days I can't find anything. But every once in a while comes a day when I find SO many things!
      And thank you, thank you~ I love taking pictures of my food xD
      - Amiman♥
