Light Purple Pointer Ami in Gyaruland: Freedoooom!

Friday, October 12, 2012


It's semester breaaaakkk!
*commence Hallelujah music*
even though it's only 2 days off I'm still happy to sit in my bed like a bum~ My professors are probably blowing up my email's inbox but

Wednesday was a mini adventure for me lol My dear friends decided to kidnap me at lunch to go get frozen yogurt lmfao! I was in the middle of eating and I get this abrupt demanding phone call to pack my shit and come outside.  Before I know it, I'm in nunu's car and we're being dorks jamming to kpop
I've never been to Tutti Frutti so I was really excited!! It was so tastyyyyyy~~~ but aakkkk there were so many choices for toppings xD I didn't know what to do with myself! I settled for a mix of Double Fudge Brownie & Almond flavored frozen yogurt with brownie bits, cookie dough bites, almond slices, chocolate syrup and white chocolate syrup *drooling*
We took a quick photo to remember what we called Toucans' day out! It was My-Nhu's idea to name our group Toucans last year...idek lol
If it's not obvious by my lacking much makeup face, I didn't have much time that morning to get ready for school.  So yeah please forgive my God awful face hahah xD I tried to save face by at least putting in extensions for pictures...don't think it worked hahaha

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