Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Forever Young 🕊️

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Forever Young 🕊️

Hello Cuties~

     This is more of a random diary post.  Last weekend I got to have a surprise date with Prince.  Earlier that week we noticed a pop-up fair appeared by a (pretty much) abandoned mall.   We honestly thought with the location, it was a setup for filming.  It's common to see movies be filmed in New Orleans, so we thought nothing of it.  Until we saw actual people showing up and walking into the fair!  Turns out it was a real pop-up fair that had late hours.  

     I'm not into rides or rollercoasters so when Prince asked if I wanted to go that day we noticed it was open for the public, I said maybe some other time.  A few days later he texts me while I'm at work to say he's taking me to the fair that night 。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。.  He could tell I wanted to go despite my uneasiness when it comes to amusement rides.

     I hadn't been in this kind of environment since I quit working in an amusement park!  I forgot how fun they could be.  We didn't get on any rides (the lines were craaazy long anyway).  And yet I had a blast!  We played some carnival games together, and ate some of the best funnel cake!

* we stood off to the side to eat.  I didn't want to be near so many people with my mask down lol

     I think the funniest part of the night was watching Prince prove himself wrong.  As we walked into the fair his exact words were :  "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I suck at these kinds of games . . . I won't be able to win anything for you babe."  And he proceeded to win EVERYTHING! \(≧▽≦)/  I mean who does that???  I learned that night that he's amazing at darts.  And even though skeeball is my favorite, he's better at that too (lmao).

     I look a lil rough (x ~ x) But I didn't get dolled up since this was right after I got off work.  But don't I look so happy and carefree?  

     I love my 3 new kids ♥ (lol).  It felt great to forget everything I have going on for a night of fun.  Screw work and responsibilities, I want to be young forever!

~ Love you x Amiman ~


  1. awww that makes me so excited...that hello kitty plushie is too cute. I wish life was that exciting here again...I am getting too depressed due to the pandemic T.T

    1. (*´ I `)ノ゚(ノД`゚)゚。 aw nooo I'm sorry I understand. I was surprised we had this going on to be honest. The actual carnival season was cancelled this year. Hopefully things will get better where you are that way people can get outdoors again. It is pretty depressing being home all the time.

      (ps. omg the hello kitty was the last thing he won, I was ecstatic!!!)
      - Amiman♥

  2. I. MISS. THESE. I'm so glad he made you go! These are always so fun!I hope you had extra fun for me! ♥ Hoping to do this with my hubs super soon.

    1. (˘∀˘)/(μ‿μ) ❤ *spreading good luck* I hope things get to a point where you and your hubbie can go out to a fair or festival~
      - Amiman♥
