Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Himekaji Winter coord!♥ Hello Kitty Decoden!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Himekaji Winter coord!♥ Hello Kitty Decoden!

(a very inappropriate but cute hello...)

I've been so happy now that the school semester has ended! Finals are over and my grades are in!
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maybe no one cares but, anyway
if you're still in school or if your finals are soon to come
I believe in you! You can do this!!

So, I wanted to share a coordinate I did recently!
A himekaji coordinate for those cold winter days~
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If you haven't checked out my review on these (Select Fairy Mode Brown) circle lenses,
I'd love if you did! Go check it out~~~
Here are a few gets and early Christmas gifts I've gotten!
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Everything is from Forever21!
The sweater is ridiculously soft omg
there were so many furry soft coats and sweaters~~

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Nhu got me a school bag from Japan! It's Hello Kitty themed and it came with a Hello Kitty bow tie to wear with my seifukus aakkk I love it!
She also got me two pairs of loose socks~ One short pair (possibly 90cm) and one looooong pair (most likely 100 or 120cm)!

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and while this isn't necessarily a gift, I got this at my job! Isn't it cute???!! My Melody is so precious~

Lastly, my Hello Kitty Decoden case!
Isn't it prettyyyyyy~
Well it's okay lol
This was my first try at a "bling" decoden case
I've done at least two "sweet decoden" cases but this was definitely a challenge
It took 4+ hours I took a few breaks in between but started at 12pm and finished at 7pm!
Needless to say, I was exhausted but I love it!
I hope to get more practice and who knows, one day open an etsy shop!

Thanks for reading guys~~♥

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