Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Pinkicon Circle Lenses Review (

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pinkicon Circle Lenses Review (

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(I'm in the Christmas spirit baby~~)

Today I will be doing a review sponsored by Pinkicon!
(sounds like "Pink icon")
*click the name and you'll be redirected to their website!*
And although this review is sponsored I promise to give my honest opinions~
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This is how their site looks!
Pinkicon has over 500 circle lenses & numbers of most popular cosmetic in stock. 
100% Authentic Guaranteed and Free Shipping Worldwide!
There are soooo many lenses on Pinkicon
many different brands and they're constantly adding new lenses to their selection!
♪I've got my eyes on the new Holicat series~♪
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The lenses that I will be reviewing are:
 photo 7ZJQh1_480_zps6726769f.gif Twinkle Eyes Brown Beige
 photo bZJQf9_480_zps2e17cc97.gif Select Fairy Mode Brown

This is how everything came~
The boxes are so pretty and the pamphlets show the series of the lenses!
I also got a care sheet on how to handle your lenses!

♥Select Fairy Mode Brown♥
From the Select Fairy series in the color Mode Brown!
*follow link above!*

-Duration:  Daily (1 Day/ meaning they last for a day)
- Package: A box of 10pcs
- Price: USD $20.00
- Diameter: 14.20mm
- Colored Diameter: 13.50mm
- Base Curve: 8.70mm
- Water Content: 38.00%

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Lenses when worn:
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 photo selectfairymodebrownlightings_zps02246190.jpg

 The ratings are out of 5!!!

Design:  photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif
The design is very subtle and pretty!

Color:  photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif
It's the perfect brown for me!

Enlargement:  photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif
Not too big, not too little~~

Comfort:  photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif
These are incredibly comfortable and I forget that I'm wearing circle lenses half of the time.  They feel very similar to fresh color contacts that you get from america's best!

Overall:  photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif
I will definitely be purchasing another box of these lenses!
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♥Twinkle Eyes Brown Beige♥
These are from the Twinkle Eyes secret series in the color Brown Beige!
*follow the link above!*

-Duration: Daily (1 Day/ meaning they last for a day)
- Package: A box of 10pcs
- Price: USD $23.74
- Diameter: 14.20mm
- Base Curve: 8.70mm
- Water Content: 38.00%

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close up!
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Lenses when worn:
 photo twinkleeyebrownbeigeheadshot_zps2eef3e4a.jpg
 photo twinkleeyebrownbeigelightings_zps97e61b3c.jpg
(I should have worn these with heavier makeup, but this with normal makeup)

Design:  photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif
The design is really cool when they're worn! There's like this burst from the middle, I'm not sure how to describe it ^^"

Color:  photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif
Don't get me wrong, the pigment is awesome! It's very vibrant and the color itself is nice, but when paired with my skintone, it's a little too bright and yellowish.

Enlargement:  photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif
not too big, not too little~~~

Comfort:  photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif
I don't think I've ever worn circle lenses that were this comfortable! It's insane! I think it's because they're much thinner than other circle lenses, which makes them super comfy!

Overall:  photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif photo T2NuAGXeFaXXXXXXXX_103728947_zps2fb9f631.gif
(it's my personal feeling on the color unfortunately)
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Here is a discount that you guys can use!
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Thank you Pinkicon for giving me this opportunity! I really hope to get another chance to do this!
Thank you guys for reading!
See you next post~~♥
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