Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: p.o.v ♡

Friday, October 15, 2021

p.o.v ♡

Oh I'd love to see me from your point of view~ ♡

     Last week Prince and I spent the day together, shopping and eating to our heart's content.  It had been a while since I dressed up, so I finally pulled out something from my Mercari haul.  I didn't expect to wear this set-up this way, but I think it makes for a casual yet cute look.  (which is a win for me because I'm comfy this way)

     If you recall my dilemma with the built-in safety shorts . . . I made the choice of cutting them out and wearing my own lace shorts underneath.  It almost makes this set-up look like a romper!    
     I'm still in love with all the gold accents of this set.  They match my hair accessories~  I also got to dust off these pink velvet shoes (lol).  I haven't worn them in ages.  

     Today's closeup is not so great; it's cropped from a selfie.  I actually had photos ready for this, however I apparently skipped transferring those particular photos.  (¬_¬)  I purchased a new phone and have reset my old phone to factory settings so . . . no getting those back (lol).  

     But anyway, onto something that's on my mind.  On this day out, I got tons of stares.  I don't know if I'm just so used to the way Gals dress, or Japan's style of clothing . . . but I didn't find what I was wearing to be extremely odd.  Most of the time I'm not bothered by the glances or looks, but that day the attention felt excessive.  

     Annnd then I got to shopping, so I no longer cared (lol).  Here's what I got~

Juicy babyyyy~
I got a charm necklace too!
And hair accessories!

     I've opted to believe the attention is because they're seeing a celebrity in the flesh~  #celebAmi lives on ♡(。- ω -)
xoxo, Amiman


  1. Yesssss!!! Own it! Just take those stares as admiration! We gals dress for ourselves and no one else. Don't need anyone else's approval!

    1. *snaps* Thank you girlfriend~ And you got that right, we're dressing for ourselves! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ your comments always leave me smiling! ♡
      - Amiman♥

  2. About the shorts thing...I might start the same. Even tho these shorts are supposed to "help" us, I think it makes things worse lol...but I am always a lil shy just....cutting...brand...

    1. I totally understand not wanting to cut brand, it's nerve wracking! lol
      - Amiman♥
