Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Skills My Last Two Brain Cells Are Trying to Learn 🥴

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Skills My Last Two Brain Cells Are Trying to Learn 🥴

Hello Cuties 👋

     I've compiled a list of blog post topics so I'm feeling very accomplished!  Sharing my outfits and makeup looks are fun, but I miss sharing thoughts and discussing ideas with you guys~  

     The way I see it, we always have room for improvement and knowledge.  My question for you all is :  What is something you want to learn makeup-wise or fashion-wise?

     One thing I am desperately trying to achieve is a clean eyeliner technique (specifically for under the eye).  I'm not sure how else to refer to it but, have you seen the Gals who carve out the most precise eyeshapes?  It's usually because of their eyeliner skills.   

     Hozunyam immediately comes to mind.  Her undereye is just perfect!  I find it so hard to nail the "negative space" look (the area between your waterline and where you draw the new lower-lash line).  And don't even get me started on 涙袋 (namida bukuro / tear bag) makeup.  It's impossible! (↼_↼)

     Chie and Chika Yoshikawa were great examples of that clean undereye look around 2011.  Their makeup is very simple now; just about no eyeliner under the eye to create a new eye shape.  

     Perhaps it's all in the eyeliner?  Whenever I attempt to draw out a new lower-lash line, it bleeds past the line I've drawn.  Nothing about it is clean or exact.  It's very disappointing, especially after you managed to get the perfect wing.  

     Or maybe it's my approach.  Typically I'll go in with one calculated stroke . . . but I'm left with a muddy, wonky line.  Sometimes I'm able to hide it with lower lashes, but I'm not always that lucky~

Models make it look so easy~ (╥﹏╥)

     Fashion-wise, I really want to learn to "repurpose" jeans for these bad boys (and these bad boys ONLY)!

     Incase you were confused, I'm referring to those denim leg warmers~Aren't they beautiful~?

     I've wanted these denim leg warmers for a long time now.  I thought I would've at least attempted them by now but my laziness gets the best of me.  But I'm determined to make this diy project happen! 

So what's something you want to learn to do?  

~ Love you x Amiman ~


  1. Hmmm, honestly idk...I think I would love to learn how to coord better. I feel like all my outfits look the same. Also I tend to buy a lot of clothes that I can't combine and now they are stuck in my wardrobe and don't get used.

    1. Ooo I definitely understand that. I started buying a lot of one-pieces or sets that can't be combined with other clothes too. You do end up getting that feeling of every outfit looking the same. But I love your coordinates!!! ♥ I don't think yours always look the same. I think it's something we personally feel but trust me no one else notices what you notice.
      - Amiman♥

  2. I feel the same with the liner thing! I can never get it clean T_T i hope I can learn to find deals better if that makes sense lol, so I stop spending so much money >_>

    1. You feel my paiiiin (one day we'll get the eyeliner thing figured out though). And lol, no worries, what you said makes sense to me. I think finding deals, or something like thrifting should be considered a skill; it involves math for God's sake! lmao
      - Amiman♥

  3. I've been lucky enough to hide my errors with how much I end up putting on - especially under eye. Cause I never had the best situation thanks to my overly sensitive skin Dx So I just learned to use pencil and eyeshadow with very light ink liner lines to guide where I place all that. And then cover it all up with ridic lower lashes XD

    As far as that skirt/leg warmer set, only reason I never went for it was cause I don't know if it's real fur ;_; But I would love to DIY a set. Should be kinda simple with little sewing.

    But I feel you on these.

    1. OMg right??? I was just thinking that to myself about the fur (but with the d.i.a. belts that include fur) how can I know if it's faux fur?

      And ah~ I should try the "guide" thing instead of a fully committed stroke of the hand lmao. But foreal, thank god for falsies lol
      - Amiman♥

  4. Aaah I know what you mean by the precise eyeliner! It took me ages to make the liner along the top neat, and the bottom? Yeaaaaaah I just soften it with eyeshadow haha.

    Oooh those denim legwarmers look super cute! Can't wait to see what yours would be like <333

    1. I'm so glad everyone understood what I meant 。゚(TヮT)゚。 I thought I wasn't making any sense lol And I can't wait either! I need to visit a thrift store to get some jeans to cut up!
      - Amiman♥
