Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: All work and no play makes Ami a dull gal

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

All work and no play makes Ami a dull gal

     Hello Cuties~  My mind has been trapped in a funk over work and sometimes it's hard to separate myself even on my off days.  I haven't gal-ified myself since MechaCon, however that doesn't mean I can't engage in some "wild and sexy" fun!  I've taken some time to do fun activities with my friends and Prince this month so I can relax a little.  (〃´o`)=3
     Prince and I had a lovely dinner a while back.  Sharing our evening together to wind down over food and drinks was truly gratifying after a long week.  Even the waitress could sense how silly and outgoing I became after my drink.
     Sooo tasty!  It was sweet and tart, just how I like it!  (and pink )
     Last weekend I was invited to a pool party and I'm glad I went!  I got to see some great friends from work, ate some delicious food and splashed around like a big kid.  We even got into a hula-hoop contest.  Cat had super cute floaties for her pool too!
     Another friend of mine, Alex, invited Prince and I to a posh nook of a wine bar, hidden on the lively streets of downtown.  W.I.N.O :  the Wine Institute of New Orleans, is such a lovely hidden gem!  If Alex hadn't introduced us to this bar, I would have never known we had such a place in this city.
     W.I.N.O was a great way ease our minds after work.  Seeing that it was a classier spot, I decided to be extra (lol).
     This was my second experience with wine tasting and I'm happy to say this was much better.  The staff is great.  I mean there was only one guy, Pen (he's such a cool guy), but he was so helpful!  We basically told him we're new to wine and he guided us through their inventory and made some awesome suggestions.  We've visited them maybe three times now.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Prince and Alex make jokes about me being a "wine mom".
I guess I've been enjoying a few drinks or two lately, huh. lol
     I wish I had done more with my look, however I loved my eyeshadow for that night~  A royal blue and silver halo eye.
     I think I already know where I want to do my next birthday gathering~  ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ  We're doing 27 elegant and sophisticated~
     So that's what I've been up to lately, nights out to ease and please the soul (not so much the body, it usually hates me the next day).  What do you do to pry yourself from the hustle and bustle of the work week?
~ Love you x Amiman ~


  1. Such a gorgeous babe <3

    1. (ToT) you're so sweet~~ ps I've returned to this wine bar like ...a million times lmao
      - Amiman♥️
