Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: ✨Update: coords, gets, makeup & more!✨

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

✨Update: coords, gets, makeup & more!✨

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/sorry I'm not consistent with updating ; ;  but I have a lot to share with you!~

So with life update or general updates, I got a new job !  Since my last job was a work-study job, I had to leave once I graduated .  Now I work in an amusement park !  I'm starting to get used to the long hours but I'm happy that I like my coworkers so much ♥
Now onto past coordinates!
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♥ Onee ♥
Oct. 1
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Oct. 6
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* I looove this gif app ! 
Oct. 14
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That Wednesday Nhu and I went out for a day of fun since we hadn't seen each other since May ;;
we planned to go out for lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant, named "Namese", that recently opened near my house ! 
Although it's a small place, it looks nice on the inside and the food was great! This is what I had~
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And here's what Nhu had !
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I couldn't help but notice they had bubble tea on the menu so I got one before we left~ I picked coconut flavor ! I think next time I will try it with tapioca .
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It was so sweet ~ tasted like ice cream (╯✧∇✧)╯
After that we went to the mall, I got a new phone case and got "bff" phone charms for us~
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After the mall we realized we had been out for 4 hours and got hungry again lmao
this time we ate at p. f. chang's but we only got appetizers because we didn't want to spend a lot lol
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After that we went to Sucré ! It was my first time there and my first time eating macaroons !
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I tried their brown butter pecan gelato with a salted caramel macaroon . And it was so gooood~
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I can't wait to go back !
Yesterday I had the day off so I decided to play with makeup~ 
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♥ ♥ ♥
And I made another gif !
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I have more to share so I'm going to put the rest in a separate post !!
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  1. Your outfits are pretty! And your eyes in the last picture look amazing *__*

    1. (●♡∀♡))ヾ☆*。 Thank you so much dear!!~~
