Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Ami Takes Cali ✈️ Day 2!

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Ami Takes Cali ✈️ Day 2!

     Hello Cuties~  I'm back with the 2nd post about my vacation to Cali~  (^.~)☆  Day 2 was a really fun one for me!  Prince wanted to take me shopping (seriously what person says no to that)!

     Since I knew we'd be out and about, I wanted to get dolled up.  The destination was Westfield Santa Anita mall in Arcadia, CA!  Since I didn't get to actually shop during my last visit to California, I was super excited to return to this mall.

☆ミ Rundown ミ☆

Dress . . . MA*RS
Jacket . . . MA*RS
Bag . . . MA*RS
Accessories . . . off brand
(accessories are literally all from the beauty supply store lol)

     Point* of this coord are the bling accessories~ (* specific details to be recognized)  I adore these hair clips, earrings, and sun glasses!  I'm a sucker for anything with rhinestones~  

     I move so slow when I get dolled up (Orz) so I tried to slap on my eye-makeup after taking forever with the base.  And you know what happened?  My eyeshadow primer exploded in my face so it took me even longer to clean that off!  After that I just put on these sad looking lower lashes and called it a day (lmao).  

Being nearly blinded won't stop my day!

Happy-go-lucky Amiman ♥

     The view from the mall. (°△°|||)︴There aren't any hills or mountains where I'm from so it spooks me whenever I see them (lol).  Anyway~  Once we got over the feeling of nature moving in on us, I had a little celebrity, paparazzi moment heheh~

"Amiman!  Amiman!  Over here!"
"Ah~ No pictures please~"
"Okay, maybe just one."  *poses*

     I finally got to wear my MA*RS purse!  I'm still so in love with it ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡.  Best brand purchase ever~.  

     Walking into this mall, I didn't know where to start!  But I knew I had to find out where the Hello Kitty Cafe was . . . unfortunately it was no longer a part of the mall (T_T).  (Should've went back in 2018 *sigh*)  No worries, I found plenty of other things to blow my money on (lol)!

I even saw BTS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(bless Prince for taking these♥)

     One boba, a bag of  baked goods, and lots of bts merch later, we were starving.  And I knew exactly where we'd eat.  Din Tai Fung!  I really hyped this place up for Prince so I was anxious to see how he liked it.

     We ordered more than this, but we destroyed it before I thought to take a picture (lmaoo).  

     When I said there were plenty of places I could blow my money on, I meant it!  This was the aftermath.  After my arms and my wallet could take no more (lol).  Would you believe we arrived around noon and when we left the mall it was 6pm?!?

     In reality, Prince held half of these I just took them all for the picture. 。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。  Oh, I almost forgot we both bought Japanese cheesecakes from Uncle Tetsu too!  We were beyond stuffed.  As you can tell, that mall was a dream for me.  We ended up visiting it a second time days later! 

      At the time I hadn't realized it, but my newest boom was upon me!  But I can't reveal it just yet~ (I will in a later post ♥)  (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

     Whew, that was all for day 2!  I hope I didn't ramble too much (lol).  Thank you for reading!!!

~ Love you x Amiman ~


  1. Omgggggggg and I thought I loved to shop XD I hope we get to see some of the goodies in a haul! But omg your whole coord!!! I'M LIVING FOR IT. SO BEAUTIFUL. SUCH A GORGEOUS MA*RS GAL!!!!♥ So glad you guys had fun!!!! I have yet to try that cheesecake but I hear great things about it~~

    1. It's light like cake but you get that cheesecake taste~ And omg girl the problem is I lack self control!! xD
      And aaah thank you~~~ I loved this look so much, but the next one was my absolute favorite! (^_~)
      - Amiman♥

  2. omg this is how I look like shopping...Good lord I have a car...none of my arms could take what I shop...

    1. LOL! I would love to see a bunch of Gals together after a mall / shopping day! I'm sure we'd be dragging our bags and feet in exhaustion 。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。
      - Amiman♥

  3. When I saw the picture of myself in the elevator I was shocked at the volume of bags lol!! Food t'was yummy~~ and I really did have a great time :3
    - Amiman♥
