Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Late Night Views 🌃

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Late Night Views 🌃

     Hello Cuties,  a mini update here.  Recently I joined my first social outing in a very long time.  Prince's best friend invited us to his wife's surprise birthday party!  It was very amusing to be involved in secretive plans.


     Twelve of us met up with the happy couple on a party bus that the birthday girl had NO idea about.  She was told after dinner they'd meet up with maybe 3 friends for a drink.  🥴  Boy did we surprise her!

     The plan was to bar hop and party like it's 1999!  I've never bar hopped before, nor have I been on a party bus!  This was no regular party bus (I'm used to seeing the painted old public school buses).  It was really nice inside, with club-like lights, an ice pit for the champagne, and room for lots of dancing (well mostly stumbling because the bus is moving lol).  Ps. Thank Jesus for air conditioning on the bus because it was a hot night.

     Of course I had to color coordinate my mask, outfit and my purse (lmao).  I didn't take pics of much that night, but we did visit Vue which had a rooftop bar.

     I've never experienced something like this before!  The view was breathtaking, my picture definitely doesn't do it justice.  We got to watch the sunset (this was our first stop on the party bus lol).  This was honestly the perfect set up for a proposal!  (If they weren't already married, I would've expected to see a proposal right then.)

     Also I did my nails specially for the night.  (And my toesies matched too~)  I want acrylics but I must let my nails breathe and heal from that dip set I did on myself.  I didn't remove them properly ;_; and damaged them.

     Anyway, that's all for now!  Oh wait!  I finally got my mercari package so I'll share that with you guys next time!  Bye~

~ Love you x Amiman ~


  1. You're so elegant with that setup!! <333 I love it..

    1. Thank you, thank youuu~ ☆ ~('▽^人) I got it on amazon like 2 days before the event! lol I had nothing to wear at first!
      - Amiman♥

  2. Oooooh sounds like you had a wonderful time! I've never been to a rooftop bar before and the view from your pic looks absolutely stunning <333 Love you co*de! You look so classy!

    1. ♡( ◡‿◡ ) it was like a movie scene walking out towards the edge. I definitely recommend finding a rooftop bar and watching the sunset! And omg thank you~~ (/▿\ )
      - Amiman♥

  3. Omgggg you look amazing as usual ♥

    1. (。T ω T。) sdiojfoajef oh you~ (thank you hehehe~)
      - Amiman♥

  4. It was!! I'd love to experience the Vue again~ And thank you~ hehe ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ
    - Amiman♥
