Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: 👻Gets + Haunted Mansion Adventure👻

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

👻Gets + Haunted Mansion Adventure👻

Hello spoopy babes~
I have a few things to share
Last week my friends and I spent a day on the town! We planned a day of halloween-y stuff to do, and although not everything went as planned, I still had fun! We all bought tickets to The Mortuary, a haunted mansion
this is how it looked that night
I think it looks creepier in the daytime though . . .
do you see the graves?
This place is actually known for being haunted. This mansion housed a real morgue from 1930 - 2004 and was turned into the haunted house attraction in 2007. 
I always see commercials for this place on tv and every time I think "man I'm never going there" but this time I thought why not live a little? I won't lie I was terrified the entire time I was in line let alone while I was in the haunted mansion. I almost cried, it was so dark and so many things came out at us ;;
So many zombies and even a man with a chainsaw!
I had my eyes closed 80% of the time though so my senses were only heightened lmao
long story short, never going again i'm traumatized lol
But any who~
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I went thrifting all by my lonesome the other day and snagged a few things!
Initially I went to buy things for my halloween costume (which i did!) but I couldn't help buying other stuff lol
this coat was $4.99 though omg it's so fluffy~ It's suede and lined with faux fur on the inside, it's such a pretty chocolatey brown color!
I really want boots this color now hmmmm
 you can never have too many cardigans lol I wish I could've found one with fur trimming like the DaTuRa ;;

 And here's the blazer and shirt I got for my pirate costume, i'm excited~~
Yesterday Sarah and I finally got to hang out! We haven't been together in a while so we needed some "shopping therapy" lol
Can't shop without a food break! Look at those nachos omg
 Here's what I bought!!
I also bought a pair of gray highwaisted shorts, but forgot to take a picture of them
 • choker - hottopic
• false lashes
• white liquid eyeliner (i really wanted to give this a try!)
• wet 'n' wild eyeshadow brushes
 (small eyeshadow brush, crease brush, smokey liner brush)
Aren't they pretty~
I also got this today, sort of an impulse buy... I've wanted to try these for a while though so I said "why not"!
I can't believe I bought all fall / winter clothes (except for the shorts) and it's still too damn hot outside
I just wanna wear boots, sweaters and fuzzy stuff!
But anyway I'm hoping to get a chance to play around with the makeup stuff I bought soon!
Who knows you might get a sneak peak of the pirate costume~
See you next post!!
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