Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Gets & Colourpop x Hello Kitty: Are you excited!?

Monday, October 24, 2016

Gets & Colourpop x Hello Kitty: Are you excited!?

Hi guys~ guess who keeps thinking about spending money, while spending money on other things??
/pained laughter /

I just purchased some new lenses!
 I'm restocking on the Gossip Brown and finally getting a hold of Lil Moon Cream Grege~~ I'm excited yet anxious about these but I'm hoping for the best. I just don't want to look like a zombie or vampire when it's not halloween lmao
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Now to what I'm currently mulling over...


Colourpop announced they will be collaborating with Hello Kitty for a new collection! I was ecstatic when I heard about it, even more so when I finally saw pictures of the products! The collection will be available November 1st. I'm wondering if at that point you can only buy the whole collection or will the items be available separately. Hmmm. . .
I haven't seen any prices thrown around yet, but I'm anticipating a big number (well bigger than I want it to be lol). Plus I'd hate to buy the entire collection knowing some of the colors won't suit my skintone :/ 

But anywho~ Here are the product names and color / finish descriptions!
(I screenshot these from colourpopfun's instagram page)

Which items are you looking forward to the most?
Here's a really nice picture of 2 of the items!
Isn't the packaging so cute?!
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I'm going to be stalking their site for the next 2 weeks until all my questions are answered lol ahh I hope this isn't just a one time thing, I hope they keep these on the site for a while. I'm not sure how these things usually work ;;
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Are there any new makeup products you're dying to get your hands on? I feel like every week colourpop is coming out with something new that I want! Oh what to do~
Btw! I'm planning on posting the first Halloween look post tomorrow if all goes well~
please look forward to it~~~
love you! x amiman

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