Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Taobao Haul + wishlist (am I a shopaholic?)

Monday, September 26, 2016

Taobao Haul + wishlist (am I a shopaholic?)

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Hello dears!
Sorry this post was supposed to be earlier but I was finally able to sit and post this today.
My taobao package came in today (after so much confusion on usps' part . . .)
Taobaoring has not let me down yet I'm happy to say that
(✿´ ꒳ ` )
so without further ado~
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This was everything in the box ^^

♥Lumee Case♥
starting with my new phone case~ I got a lumee "selfie light" case.  I got it with white lights rather than yellow, the lights are super bright (O ~ O* )
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Now I don't have to be limited to taking makeup photos in front of the living room window haha
♥Choker OTS Top♥
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I love how this choker top fits! Although I may alter the collar part to make it button/unbutton; this should make it easier to put on rather than stretching it over my head.
♥Plaid Suspender Skirt♥
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The lace-up part is velvety! I didn't know it would be it's a cute touch~ I love how this fits as well; the straps are adjustable by buttons in the inside / back.
♥"Liz Lisa" Suspender Skirt♥
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Liz Lisa in quotation marks because it's a replica.  Even though I bought it for very little, I see no difference or flaw in my item!
Here's Liz Lisa's strap dress
I can't wait to get to wear it! Cool weather come to me~~
♥"Liz Lisa x My Melody" Dress♥
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This is another replica, styled from their 9th collaboration.
I tried it on and it makes me feel like a princess!
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Now I deserve to be shamed but shopping always leads to "window shopping".  Without fail after I buy stuff, I end up seeing more things I want. Am I a shopaholic?
(๑ ˊ͈ ᐞ ˋ͈ )ƅ̋
*cries while my wishlist grows*
 Diamond lash angel eye
 Diamond lash princess eye
 Eyemazing no.501 *which I'll never have because I think it was limited edition maybe, I can't find it in stock anywhere. . .
Sho-bi Decorative play sexy #5

 Colourpop - "Candyman" highlighter (look at that shine omg)
Colourpop - "Lumiere" lipstick
Colourpop - "Sticky Sweet" blush
I honestly want so much from colourpop (;u; )
Lilmoon 1day Cream Grege
photo credit (x)

Let's hope I wait on purchasing anything until Christmas. . . no more like until my birthday in January
(@~@;; )

See you next post!!!
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