Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: ♥Gets: Pink Fizz swatches + Taobao purchases!♥

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

♥Gets: Pink Fizz swatches + Taobao purchases!♥

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Hello guys! It's Amiman ♥
Today I will share my recent purchases.  I've gotten so many cute things!
My Makeup Revolution / I ♥ Chocolate "Pink Fizz" palette finally came in the mail~
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This is the boxing it came in, the packaging was a normal poly shipping bag (I think that's what they're called).
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The casing on the palette is sooooo cute~ It's melted chocolate
(✧ ꒪◞౪◟꒪)
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This palette has 16 colors:
13 shimmers and 3 matte shadows! It also has a full mirror (it's huge like i'm afraid to crack it...)
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My favorites are "party, girl, france and truffle". "Rosy" is really pretty as well it has more of an iridescent pink in person!
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Now I'm playing the waiting game again~ This time I'm waiting for my taobao package. Here's what I bought!
₍₍ ◝(●˙꒳˙●)◜ ₎₎
- just the jumper dress w/o the blouse
- choker top
- liz lisa jumper dress
- liz melo dress
- The lumee selfie light case! I can't wait~~~
I highly doubt the liz lisa pieces are authentic but I'm still excited!
Taobaoring has already sent my pictures of my items that have arrived to their building.
I can't wait to have it all in my arms
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