Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: .゚☆🍂Fall Coordinate Inspo🍂☆゚.

Monday, September 14, 2015

.゚☆🍂Fall Coordinate Inspo🍂☆゚.

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Hey hey, hey~
Perhaps I'm too excited but with the first day of Autumn approaching (Sep. 23), I've decided to post fall coordinate inspiration!  I'm not sure about everybody else but, I feel like it's sometimes harder to come up with gyaru outfits for colder weather .  So I think making this post could help .

Like the last time, I'm breaking it up into substyles and under some pictures I will state the items that I feel " make " the outfit!

So let's get to it~~
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* point: oversized or batwing hoodie/over coat and bodycon dress !

* point: off-the-shoulder long sleeve top and lacy print stockings


a lot of these coords incorporate fuzzy sweaters, berets, print stockings/pantyhose and frilly ankle socks !
 photo himekaji tumblr_lxgwcrfyvn1qgu8e2o1_500_zpsaiqflcw0.jpg
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* point: again with oversized/batwing poncho or overcoat , and printed leggings

himekaji photo himekaji tumblr_lzew11FS8b1qbblino1_1280_zpskzimxpct.jpg
 I know I use this one a lot but it's my absolute favorite picture !!
 I love the "sweaters with collared blouses" look , as well as knee high or thigh high socks with skirts!

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* point: suspender-shorts and patterned pantyhose

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These 2 are outfits that I put together myself ! ☺


 photo kuro tumblr_nj1e5gpxjj1rpzh9xo9_540_zpsjadfs7eh.jpg
 photo kuro tumblr_lx71tl7i6a1qds8mqo1_400_zpsa7rs4mat.jpg
 photo kuro tumblr_nfkl3zqBZN1qalokao1_1280_zpsqyzzsxv2.jpg
 photo kuro tumblr_mc5satDj2G1qjqqibo1_1280_zpsg9swbkye.jpg
 photo kuro blackdiamond_zpsoctgsbvg.png photo kuro blackdiamond2_zpsfxvc4lel.png

♪Larme Kei♪
 photo larme kei tumblr_ntt1tpFa7J1ro5bwro5_500_zpsfo94yngy.jpg
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* point: blazer and beret

 photo onee ingni_zpstwfep4fj.png
 photo onee tumblr_lxdeekDjwp1qgu8e2o1_500_zpsh0cabdc6.jpg
 photo onee tumblr_m2zx4f4iSM1rub9dqo1_540_zpsqyh2r6su.jpg photo onee tumblr_m2zx93WNCy1rub9dqo1_540_zpsz0xl19ud.jpg
 photo onee tumblr_m2zxdfPvWt1rub9dqo1_540_zpstgdthdy4.jpg
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 photo rokku tumblr_mz7btaQvox1qg0fdgo1_1280_zpswvkqmx92.jpg

* more like k-fashion because I really like it now ~
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 photo kfashion tumblr_nbi81yVDJE1sru9xzo1_540_zpsjwu6hir6.jpg

* the rest I'm not 100% positive what style it fits !
 photo street fashion _zpsqkxkxt3g.png
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This post ended up waayy longer than I expected lol Hope this was beneficial~ See you next post !
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  1. i love these inspo posts! these outfits are exactly what i'm trying to switch to

    1. Yayy!! I'm so happy these posts are useful! I was afraid no one really cared for the inspo posts ;;

  2. aww, that's me!! taken while i was at Osaka Kawaii!! haha, interesting post ~ (。´∀`)ノ ♡ you can read my blog post about it here if ever you'd like the source:

  3. Omg I have to favorite this post and share it on my blog!

    1. ヾ(0∀0*★)゚*・.。 Omg yay!!! I'm excited and happy that I made this post~~
