Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Gyaru 109 Meme 💜

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Gyaru 109 Meme 💜

     Hello Cuties, you've probably heard of this project by the very lovely Reila!  Starting from September 10th to October 9th, a month packed full of Gal events and activities.  And I've haven't contributed or joined in a thing (*μ_μ).  But I'm jumping in now!  To view the list of events follow this link!

Let's get into it!

Name / Gyaru nickname and country:
I'm known as Amiman and I'm from the U.S.A.

Since when are you gyaru?

     I've been gyaru since 2012.  My makeup skills weren't the best back then but I was happy with my appearance at the time.  And over the years, I got better with the experience I gained.


How did you discover the style?

     I've explained this story in full detail here (if you'd like to read).  But in short, a classmate introduced me to J-rock / Visual Kei and Oshare Kei.  I found the makeup in Visual Kei to be intriguing.  So while searching up visual kei makeup I eventually stumbled across Gyaru makeup.  And the rest is history~

What's your current substyle? Why do you like it?

     Can I really say I fall into a substyle at the moment?  Currently I'm mid-boom, so my coords don't appear very uniform.  But if it counts, Celebrity  / セレブー Gyaru is my current substyle.  (However I don't think I'll ever let Himekaji go lol.)  I like Celeb gal because I get to pretend to live a more fabulous life.  Fabulous clothes and other glamorous visuals.  I idolize both 2000's stars and today's celebrities, so it's fun to mix up the trends!

Which are your current booms?

     With getting into セレブー Gyaru came a whole lot of booms!  Right now I'm obsessed with chain belts, slip dresses, platforms, lowrise jeans, tracksuits, and brands like Juicy Couture.  I wrote a separate post all about celeb gyaru and what inspires me!  To get a better idea and image, visit my post here.

Share 3 of your fav codes. Why do you like them so much?

Waaa this question is so hard! TT
     Ok, I LOVE this outfit because it's classic Amiman.  I fell the hardest for Himekaji, and it's just my go-to.  When all else fails, I've always got a series of outfits I can put together like this one.  Majority of my closet follows this color combination, with the addition of pink.  It's super easy to put a frilly blouse, a skirt, beret, and a cardigan together.  Effortlessly cute!!!

     It's giving "Bratz Winter Wonderland"~  I created this for a "1 item, 2 ways" post; meaning, this outfit was never worn outside.  R.i.p. because I adore this outfit!  The three faux fur pieces are my favorite details.  Plus the bullet belt?!  Omg.  Anytime I can make myself feel super cute during Winter is a win for me.  

     Another outfit that never saw the light of day. (╥ω╥)  I put this together for a Papillon tiktok collab!  At the moment, I felt like this was the most gal I've ever looked.  So why do I love this outfit so much?  Firstly, the two piece set is SO cute alone.  But with the addition of a d.i.a belt, a foxtail, and the oh-so-versatile cowboy hat . . . it makes the perfect Tsuyome look!  Can't you imagine seeing Aina or Yun sporting this in EGG?

Share 3 things your learn during your Gyaru journey.

     One:  Brand clothes aren't important.  You can be gal with non Japanese brands.  I feel like my best looks have been created with normal things from my closet and thrifted items.  

     Two:  If the makeup isn't poppin', the overall look is lackluster.  The makeup is most important!  I know as humans we have our off-days, so I get it if some days nothing is working.  But please put effort towards your makeup.  

     Three:  While you cannot please everyone and be everyone's friend, the gyaru community is there to have your back.  I can recall a situation where I uploaded pics on tumblr of my makeup and one person decided to comment that I was ugly.  Nothing helpful, no critique, just an unnecessary statement.  I was caught off guard by it, but the gals were quick to confront the person and then deflect the negativity.  I was shocked by this too, many girls I looked up to were protecting me.  It's great to not feel alone, especially online where many people feel the need to attack.

Share 3 gaijin gals and 3 Japanese gals you look up to.

     Kuma!  Ever so stylish and innovative!  A Gyaru-chameleon, Kuma slays every style.  Never afraid to speak their mind or touch on important matters either.  

     Reila!  (Surprised to see yourself on your own blog challenge?)  She does so much for the Gal community!  She's the sole reason I get off my lazy ass and be productive 。・゚・(ノД`)  

     Georgie!  What can I say, it's the Gyaru lifestyle for me~  I live vicariously through Georgie and her friends (lol).  I want to live life carefree and have as much fun as Akipoyo!

     Yun~ Forever my #1!  She's been my favorite since I got into Gyaru.  In the beginning, I adored her because of her iconic smile and her style.  Who could forget her brown and blonde split hair too!  Although some things have changed, it's cool to see how she's matured.  She's a mother now (of two!) and she hasn't lost her touch at all. 

     Watsucho~  (synonymous with Godly)  Her looks back in the day were unmatched!  I hope to improve my makeup skills (somewhat) to her level (lol).  Now, she's a bodybuilder!  And beautiful as ever~

     Mana Izumi!  The "Bad Gyal"~  It was a really hard choice between her, Cocona, and Runa.  But I personally like Mana Izumi's style more.  Her makeup has been absolute goals for years! 🙌  Even though her style has changed, she's still pretty badass.  

What's your favorite Gyaru memory?
     What another tough question!  (lol)  I guess I'll pick the day I sported Kogyaru at Universal Studios~  I truly have a soft-spot for Kogyaru and I love that Gals tend to dress this way when they visit Disneyland / Disney World.  So~  I thought why not do it for Universal?!  Plus this is the day I got to meet Hello Kitty ♥  Best day ever!

What advice would you give to people who want to start in the style but don’t have the courage yet?

     My biggest advice is, do listen to others when you ask for tips or critique.  (As long as things are respectful and helpful, no need to close yourself off and quit.)  Now I understand being afraid of putting yourself out there, so I suggest practicing on your own for a little while before posting anything.  Do your makeup during your downtime, take pictures just so you can look back on these every once in a while; you'll be surprised by your improvement.  Do the same thing for outfits.  Find a good source for outfit inspiration.  For me, it was tumblr.  And I still believe it's the best place to look.  Browse blogs like Rikkaboshi, or Gal-coord save pictures to your computer / phone.  Study these "inspo" pictures and just experiment with items in your closet!  Practice, practice, practice (but have fun with it ok?).  And lastly, there's always room for improvement!  

Challenged completed!
I hope you enjoyed reading!
xoxo, Amiman♥

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