Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: DEJAPAN Review / How to Order! (+ gets)

Sunday, May 7, 2017

DEJAPAN Review / How to Order! (+ gets)

Hello Cuties!
I have something I want to share with you!
Today I was able to pick up my package from DEJAPAN~

In case you missed it, I was contacted by an affiliate of DEJAPAN to review and spread the word of their services!
DEJAPAN is a proxy shopping service for Rakuten, Yahoo! Auctions, Amazon Japan, and other sites.
What makes them different is that they don't charge commission
(basically a service fee).

They also mention that they have native English speakers on their team; which definitely is a plus for me.  Although I've never had an extremely awful experience speaking/emailing other site's customer service, DEJAPAN's customer service is by far the best.

I spoke with Kei, the social content person, on different occasions and they were especially helpful.
Kei assured me they would be there to answer any of my questions throughout this transaction.  Every email I sent was answered within hours, usually in the same day that I sent them!

This entire transaction happened very quickly in my opinion.  Kei contacted me about offer April 16th  and after agreeing, I was sent special code coupons on April 18th.

That same day (April 18) I placed my order, made the 1st payment, and received a confirmation email.
On April 26th, I got an email stating my items made it to their warehouse.  In said email I was told to make sure to "combine my items" when making my shipment choices.
I was a little confused by this so I emailed Kei and I'm so happy I did because they explained it in a way I would understand.  By this time I wasn't hesitant with emailing and asking questions; I felt relieved to be able to ask things this easily and to receive this much help.
I really love the comfortable yet helpful communication DEJAPAN's team offers.
On April 28th I made my 2nd payment and chose "minimum packaging" and shipping by EMS.
I got 2 emails, one showing I requested my payment and the other stating the payment was completed.
On May 1st, I got an email stating my package was shipped from the warehouse!
On May 3rd, the package was at my post office!

I missed their delivery attempts (this week has been hectic lol), so that is why I am just getting my hands on my package.
I picked it up May 6th and now here's my package~
I can't wait to try these on!!
How To Order from DEJAPAN
This is the home page ↑↑↑
And this is their process ↓↓↓
After you create an account, you can now search for items to buy.  You can narrow down your results with the grey drop-down menu, the choices are:
All, Rakuten, Yahoo! Shopping, or Amazon (Japan).

Let's say you want to search for Canmake cosmetics?
You can search the brand in english and these would be your results.
In my opinion and with my experience with searching through DEJAPAN,
if you want something in particular that you've seen on Rakuten, it's better to search them in Japanese.
(I wanted specific items from Rakuten that I had saved links.  So I copied and pasted the original Japanese title into the search box on DEJAPAN.)

By that I mean, it'll be a lot easier to locate the exact listing you saw on Rakuten's site.  But it's not completely necessary, you can keep your search very broad and just navigate through the results pages.
You can also click the "auction" tab to search through Yahoo! Auctions.  Here I searched "Liz Lisa".
(I think I want to do this next time)

Once you've found an item, you can see the details and go to the actual listing by link.
(since these are coming from Japanese sites, the listings are almost always in Japanese so this is why I suggested searching your desired item in Japanese)
 You can now add it to your cart!
* If your cart is filled with items from different sources (i.e. Rakuten and Amazon)
you'd have to pay for each separately.  Meaning you have 2 transactions because you're ordering from 2 different sources.
This is the only negative I have to say about DEJAPAN;
it's just a bit confusing.

After you've entered your billing information (they accept Paypal)
and make your 1st payment, you'll receive a confirmation email.
At this point you are now waiting for an email about your items reaching their warehouse.
Once the items reach the warehouse, you can make your 2nd payment and also choose your shipping method.
Here is the link Kei send me about packaging options:
( )
I chose EMS because I'm most familiar with it.
These are the fees / prices for my parcel.
2,540 JPY is roughly $23 USD.
(which beats taobaoring's $41)
After you've made your 2nd payment you'll reach a Thank You page and receive another confirmation email.  You will receive another email once your package has been shipped.
That same email will contain a tracking number.
I sincerely hope you found this post helpful and informative!
Especially if you've wondered about shopping with DEJAPAN.
I definitely will use their services again once I decide to dive into the world of Yahoo! Auctions.

If you're curious about them and want to view their pages,
find them here:
Twitter: @DEJAPAN_Global
Instagram: @dejapan_global
Facebook: DEJAPAN
~ Love You!! x Amiman ~


  1. Pretty cool stuff! I'm so glad there are more and more sites that make it easier to order from Japan :D

    1. Me too!! I'm so excited about trying to order from auctions through their site! I've never really gotten the chance to try the other sites the people have used to get Japanese brands; I always got the sense that they were probably difficult or confusing to use. So I hope it works out well when I attempt bidding.

  2. Avoid DeJapan. They’re scammers. After you complete the purchase, they will charge you much more for shipping than what they say on their website. In my case it defeated the purpose of importing the item from Japan.
