Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: 1 Point - 2 Coords ♡ New Lenses!

Monday, November 14, 2016

1 Point - 2 Coords ♡ New Lenses!

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Hello dolls~
Today's post will be on "one point" items! I will create two different style coordinates using the same "1 point item".  I've seen this kind of thing in multiple j-fashion magazines, so I wanted to give it a try!
҉*\( ‘ω’ )/*҉
This post's "point item" is a faux fur half coat!
I chose this coat as the point item because I've had a hard time coming up with ways to incorporate it into coords. This way i'm forced to come up with different ways to use it.
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• hat - offbrand (i think i got in at walmart??)
• wig - taobao
• choker - hottopic
• coat - thrifted
• dress - offbrand / rainbow shops
• boots - taobao

I really love this look omg~

 photo bZJQf9_480_zps2e17cc97.gif Kurogyaru
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• fuzzy hair ties - taobao
• wig - taobao
• coat - thrifted
• top - ebay
• bullet belt - ebay
• shorts - almost famous
• fuzzy legwarmers - ebay
• shoes - rue21

This was a fun look to do! It reminds me of black diamond gals lol
I've prepared two more "1 point 2 coords" posts for the near future, so please look forward to it~

Last week, I went out for a day of pampering with Ave and a day of shopping with Nhu.
Ave and I went to the nail salon and had lunch afterwards!
Simple ootd and simple glitter gel polish lol I wanted acrylics but they talked me out of it. Next time I'm doing it anyway lmao
For lunch we had Vietnamese food, I got shrimp phở!
We both had vanilla bubble tea for dessert~~
Nhu and I went to PF Chang's and GORGED ourselves lol
 Steamed shrimp dumplings and shrimp tempura sushi!! The sauce on that sushi though omfg it was so good ;; 
 Nhu was craving lo-mein and I wanted to try the Korean bbq chicken stir-fry
 Looks good, right? It really was~
For dessert we went to Sucré for macarons! I bought 10, help lol
 I wish I still had some! Salted caramel is so, so tasty.

I'm over-the-moon excited because my lenses are here! They arrived yesterday on the 12th!
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I purchased Lil Moon cream grege & Candy Magic gossip brown!
But there was a surprise in my package!
Geo Bigstar Wine Brown (?)
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A free pair of lenses??
I initially thought it was a mistake
(and it could possibly still be. . .) but they're even in my prescription! I did not order these but if this was a sort of gift then I greatly appreciate it!
Sadly I can no longer wear yearly circle lenses because they cause me physical pain. I've been debating on what to do, because I feel wasteful if I don't use them.
When I considered keeping them, I was going to buy the Clear Care lens cleaning kit.  But I specifically remember in the booklet I received with my lenses, it says to avoid using solutions that were hydrogen peroxide based on monthy lenses; the Clear Care kit has hydrogen peroxide in it.  So here's where the problems start lol
I wanted to figure out if the "wine brown" lens were monthly or yearly disposable lenses.  So I went to pinkicon's site, but these lenses were nowhere to be found. . .
So I broadened my search and literally couldn't find these lenses anywhere by the name on the vial / sticker.  I did find them on like 3 sites under a different name and also under different brand names. The more I thought about it, the more I figured they weren't Geo medical lenses.  There's not even a "geo authenticity" scratch off sticker on the vial.  SO, you understand why I'm a bit wary right?  I'm not sure what to do with them now.  If anyone can confirm if these are authentic or not, I'd appreciate it.

On a totally random note, Kuroyayo liked my photo on instagram??
It's my Kuropirate halloween look! (*゚ロ゚)
Is this real life or . . . I believe this is her real account? Even if it isn't I'm still happy lol any support is truly valued and treasured!
Anyway, I have a lot of posts planned and I can't wait to do them! See you soon.
~ Love you!! x amiman ~
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  1. Ahhh oh my gosh all that food looks totally yummy! I love both of your looks! The agejo look is so stylish and wow those camo shorts are just amazing! ♥

    1. (º̩̩́⌣º̩̩̀ʃƪ) *sniffles* aahh you're so sweet! Thank you dear~~ I should do agejo more often, it makes me feel fancy loll

  2. Omg! I love your coords! 😍 I wanna try to do this! And the food...I want some xD

    im not sure if that's her real acct but I follow it too that's all I know Lol that's awesome either way though!!!

    1. (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ) *tears of joy* you totally should try it, I'd love to see! And thank you for reading!
