Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: A goal has been set! Wish me luck! (makeup & gets post)

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A goal has been set! Wish me luck! (makeup & gets post)

Hello cuties, Amiman here~
I always update like every two months, it's quite depressing isn't it?
(⌯͒⁍̩̩᷄ ɪ ⁍̩̩᷄ฅ͒)
Well I've decided to set myself a goal! I plan to be more active here.  And I know I've said this before, but I really intend to.

With that being said, I will post here at least twice a week!

Lately I have been trying to get my life together, so to say.  I realize I haven't been doing the things that make me happy or the things I love doing.  Do you know that feeling where you lose interest or passion in the things you once loved doing?  It's been heavy on my mind lately so rather than abandoning my hobbies, I'm going to try to rekindle my love for my hobbies!

Alice, Sarah and I hung out late August (wow it took me this long to post ;;)! We had fun catching up and shopping around~ Here was my look
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I didn't get any good pictures while I was home ;; thank you sephora for the great lighting

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While we were in sephora I couldn't help but touch every glittery eyeshadow I saw.  Urban Decay had so many pretty ones! I swatched "solstice" on me and Alice; it's my favorite~
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I've been really into glitter eyeshadows lately but I just couldn't see myself buying a single shadow for $21 ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
So instead, I recently purchased I ♡ Makeup - Pink Fizz palette! I can't wait for it to arrive in the mail!
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I also purchased two eyeshadows from nyx for around $12 all together
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it was honestly an impulse buy haha

Cheers to more posts to come!
I've already written down a list of things to start posting on.  So for now on it will be more than just my personal picture updates.  I won't say what I all have planned, but I'm pretty excited~ The pressure is on!!
Also thanks for sticking around! ♥

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