Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: New Circle Lenses, Makeup Look & Gets ♥

Saturday, March 19, 2016

New Circle Lenses, Makeup Look & Gets ♥

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Hello dear, forgive my absence! I've been so busy with work the past 2 months
Since my last post I got a chance to purchase and try out some products ~
(´ ◕◞౪◟-) ☆
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So I did a taobao haul like . . . forever ago and this is what I got ~
 I got a lot of MCM things (not real of course lol) I got a bookbag , a matching dog charm , and a phone case !
I also got a wig , I wanted to try something different and got a brown wig .  I wanted something that wasn't too dark to the point where it was almost black and choosing from pictures on taobao wasn't easy, so I ended up getting one lighter than I originally imagined but I think I like it !
Apart from the MCM items and wig , I got 2 more phone cases and a phone case for someone else
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I FINALLY got new lenses !

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♥ Candy Magic ~ King Brown
♥ Candy Magic ~ Gossip Brown

I haven't gotten a chance to try out the King Brown lenses , but look forward to a review for both lenses soon !
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Here's a makeup look I did just for the sake of trying out the Gossip Brown lenses
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♥ close up ♥
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Selfie ~ ~ ~
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In addition to the taobao parcel and circle lenses , I've made some small makeup purchases
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After noticing my previous eye shadow primer was crap , I finally decided to pick up something new.  The Essence "I ♥ Stage" primer came up when I searched around for primers that would work for oily skin and figured it wouldn't hurt to try since it was cheap and so far I love it ! I also have changed my face primer to Rimmel's Stay Matte and I'm liking this as well ~
Lastly is an Essence liner pen and I haven't used it yet sooooo I'll talk about it once I finally do.
Oh I forgot I got new lashes too , but I haven't used them either!!
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I can't wait to try out all these things and come back with my review on those lenses !
See you next post ~
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