Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: ♡My Birthday & Agejo Look (灬ºωº灬)♡

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

♡My Birthday & Agejo Look (灬ºωº灬)♡

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How are you dollies~ I have a few things to share with you !
Sunday was my birthday !
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I turned 23 and felt like being a princess (ง ´͈₃`͈)   

My family and I went out to Cheesecake Bistro ... I ate so much lol
I had crawfish ravioli ; I know it may look weird but it was deeeelicious ~
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*Angels Singing~~~*
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Too Faced Chocolate Bon Bons palette 
I got this as a birthday present ! I'm so thankful for this

Ok ! I also wanted to share my Agejo coord and makeup !

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I decided to try out "Bon Bon Babe" from the look-book that came with my too faced palette
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I have to use my normal contacts until I get a pair of new circle lenses
( 〃..)

I noticed that whenever I use vibrant colored eyeshadows they tend to fade on me .  And I know that I don't use a good eyeshadow primer so , what primers do you guys use ?

And lastly , purchases ~
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A really cheap palette I bought from the brand Ruby Kisses , I really like it ! Especially the names lol
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I purchased Nyx's Born to Glow illuminator and a matte lip cream in the shade Cannes .  I haven't really played around with the illuminator , but I love the lipstick and can't wait to wear it !

That's all for now ~
See you next post !

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  1. Your outfits are very cute! I love your fluffy birthday dress *o*
