Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Taobao gets & Giant Costco Bear (* ´>艸<)゛♥

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Taobao gets & Giant Costco Bear (* ´>艸<)゛♥

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Blog up!

Hey hey there~ I haven't updated much because of work .  In my city there is a light show at night for the Christmas holidays, called "Celebration in the Oaks".  It starts around Thanksgiving and ends in January .  It's weird because when I was younger, my mom would bring me to City Park to see the extravagant lights in the trees and in the ponds.  A lot has changed about it though; now it's a walk-through tour instead of a drive thru
So now you have to be outdoors and personally it's too cold for all that lol So that's why I've been so busy~ We prepare a lot for this because it's the biggest event of the year for City Park !

But enough about my job !  I wanted to show you guys my recent taobao purchases~

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It seemed like my box came in no time ! I wanted to do an unboxing video buuuut instead I took pictures as usual~
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As soon as I opened the box I saw my dress !  It was advertised as Liz Lisa but I knew it wasn't lol if anything it's just "Liz Lisa style".  But nonetheless I was super happy to get this !
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I couldn't wait for this skirt ! It's an American Apparel copy (but super cheap of course) but I wanted to buy from this seller because the skirts have shorts made into them and that's a HUGE plus with me because tennis skirts are always super short and I feel exposed
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Everything was packaged so nicely~
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phone case for my mom~
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Fuzzy hair ties ! Now all I need are the matching earrings~
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home button stickers for my sister~
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My clear ulzzang style glasses finally~
And now the pièce de résistance~~

my LED shoes ! I loveeee them so much~ They are rechargeable
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They came with a charger, two sided so you can charge both shoes at once !
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So nice at night time~~
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Besides taobao I recently tried out L . A . girl's concealers because I've been so curious about them~ I really love them so far !  I got 2 shades; Dark Cocoa for concealing and Mahogany for contouring . 
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Last thing I wanted to show you guys was this enormous bear at Costco !
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Guys . . . it's so huge lmao I'm 5'3 (around 163cm) I can't remember the size of this bear but Amy , Dom and I had the hardest time trying to fit this bear in Amy's car !
I wish I could afford one (it's so expensive.....)
Anyway~ I hope you guys are having fun preparing for the holidays ! See you next post !
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