Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: ✨↑_(ΦwΦ;)Ψ 2nd Halloween Look!✨

Saturday, October 31, 2015

✨↑_(ΦwΦ;)Ψ 2nd Halloween Look!✨

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Happy Halloween guys ! I'm back with my second Halloween look !  Today I am "Devilicious"~
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* you can't see the cross tights well ;__;
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✨gory details~✨
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I had lots of fun doing the makeup part !
The open wounds are temporary face tattoos !  The long gash across my face has stitches on the edges but it doesn't show up very well on camera (⌣_⌣”)
Putting on the fake blood was fun too~ It really helps the makeup stand out, I can't wait to do something really gory one year  (。-`ω´-)
Although this look was fun, removing everything isn't fun lol the temporary tattoos are sticking like glue ( ಠ ಠ) ...
well, that's all for now ~ see you all next post !
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  1. Nice horror make and blending it with gyaru coordinates! Were you a succubus for halloween?
    princess's diary

    1. Thank you!! And you know what, Alice asked me the same thing and although it wasn't my intention, I like it! lol I had intended to just be a demon at first (ц`ω´ц*)
