Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: ღLarme Kei Coord & Makeupღ

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

ღLarme Kei Coord & Makeupღ

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Hello peaches~
With all the time I have off, I decided to dress up~~
I wanted to give larme kei a try!
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♡Face Spam♡
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For inspiration , I looked at a lot of pictures of Swankiss shop staff!
Hairstyles are usually pigtails, curls, crimped hair or braids.  I also noticed cherries are a common aspect.
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(since I've already posted larme kei makeup & coord inspo I'll just show hairstyles)
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So how do you think I did? I was afraid it would turn out kinda weird, but I love it !  I can't wait to purchase more larme kei type pieces for my closet ! I just adore the fuzzy and furry details on clothing that usually appears in larme kei ~ So I'm hoping to buy something similar for the winter.  just gotta work on getting a job first lol
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