Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Taobao Parcel has arrived! (and cabochons)

Friday, January 9, 2015

Taobao Parcel has arrived! (and cabochons)

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I received quite a lot in the mail today!!!
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the hats are great quality and fit nicely~
And the shoes are perfect too!

I'm very happy with my taobao purchases!
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I also got a lot of cabochons today!
I'm soooo happy with this purchase omg ♥
and the seller included some extras!

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I also got these
I'm just kind of sad because I didn't pay attention to the size when I ordered them.  I thought they were the large cabochons. But! It's okie, they're all still so cute!

I'm still waiting for one more set of cabochons, pretty sure they'll be in tomorrow!
See you next post!
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  1. Those cabochons are so cute, especially the My Melody ones <3
