Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Geo Angel Brown & Eos Candy Brown (review)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Geo Angel Brown & Eos Candy Brown (review)

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As I promised, a circle lens review!
I purchased both pairs from Candy Lens~ (
this is not a sponsored review
(idk why people mention this but ok)

Geo Angel Brown


Brand: Geo
Water Content: 42%
Diameter: 14.2mm
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Power Range: 0.00 to -10.00 !
Disposal: 1 year

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(when I get better pictures of these lenses I'll post them!)
the ratings are out of 5

Design:  photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif
The design is pretty simple; which is what I wanted, a natural everyday lens.  In certain light, specifically indoors, it's hard to see the design because my eye color is so dark.  But in outdoor or any direct light the design is noticeable!

Color:  photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif
Simply because the color doesn't show up as well on me as I would like.  It looks so nice on everyone else~~~

Enlargement:  photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif
I like the dolly look they give, I didn't expect much enlargement since they're 14.2 mm, but I'm happy with it!

Comfort:  photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif
I hate to say it but, these were definitely not the most comfortable lenses I've ever worn.  I'm not sure what happened but they're pretty tough to put on (I don't usually have this issue!)
They don't seem to glide onto my eye, it's hard to get them to be centered without manually pushing the lens across my eyeball (o_-)
But hey that's just my opinion, a lot of people say these are the most comfortable lenses they've had.

Overall:  photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif
(it's the comfort......)

EOS Candy Brown


Brand: EOS
Water Content: 38%
Diameter: 14.5mm
Base Curve: 8.8mm
Power Range: 0.00 to -10.00 !
Disposal: 1 year

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Design:  photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif
The design is simple but I loveeee it! The lenses don't quite have the same effect on my eyes as they do on the models online (which is expected) but I like the cat-like look they give me.

Color:  photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif
I love how vibrant these are!! I was afraid that they would look too yellow but they look more sandy brown! (they can look a liiiittle yellow at times but mostly in weird bathroom lighting..) 

Enlargement:  photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif
Not the biggest lenses I've ever worn but they do a great job with enlargement for 14.5mm!! I really like the black ring around the lens, which definitely does the job of enlarging.

Comfort:  photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif
These lenses don't give me that "they feel like they've disappeared" feeling, but they are pretty comfortable.  Like I can tell I'm wearing lenses throughout the day, mainly because they're a little thick and I see a little of the black ring in my vision but it doesn't bother me.

Overall:  photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif photo tumblr_mc4f87AmGR1qdlkyg_zps927cdbea.gif
I really like these lenses!! And I'm thinking about trying the grey ones or maybe pink!?
Thank you for reading!
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