Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Gets & Bgal coord!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Gets & Bgal coord!

Hello guys~~
I'm sorry for not updating sooner
I wasn't feeling up to it but I'm a lot better now
I was a wreck, quite literally making myself sick from
too much stress...stress I was causing all on
my own I must add.
I've got my head screwed on for the most part.
I have a few things I wanted to share today!

 photo 7ZJQh1_480_zps6726769f.gif I started my skin routine!
♥ Neutrogena Deep Clean facial cleanser
♥ Neutrogena Oil Free acne wash
♥ Neutrogena Alcohol-free Toner
♥ Simple cleansing wipes

So far my skin feels great! It's a bit tedious doing all of these steps but it'll help me in the long run
I also bought a chinese spoon the other day to use with facial messages!
I want to slim my face ~~~
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 photo bZJQf9_480_zps2e17cc97.gif I spent a day with Sarah downtown!
We went to the Riverwalk since they finished renovating it! It looks lovely now and so big; there's a lot of stores in the mall part now! And a huge food court! I ate chinese and she had steak & fries
(but they were out of

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(btw I did laundry today and this dress shrunk)

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beret!! it's cream colored~ I want a tan one too
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I love this crop top! I got high wasted shorts to match it!
I forgot to take a picture of them so here's when I tried them on in the dressing room
 photo IMG_2021_zps0ef6f599.jpg

 photo 1ZJQef_480_zps59cbb85c.gifI went to a store some distance away from my home called Hong Kong food market
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I splurged omg I spent $30 on junk
next time we go, I'm going to buy bubble tea!
there's a bubble tea shop inside the market!!

also~~ can you guess what this is???
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I'm planning somethingggg
tell me if you think you know~~
 photo blkgal--_zpsa222a33f.gif

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