Light Purple Pointer Ami in Gyaruland: Gets & Coords!(I need to make clever titles again)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Gets & Coords!(I need to make clever titles again)

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Amiman here~~
How are you~?
It's been storming all week here (づ-̩̩̩-̩̩̩_-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)づ
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I can't dress up cutely while it's this bad huhuu
it's supposed to be sunny next week! (*‿*✿)
but any who, I have lots to share~
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although I haven't worked it into a coord yet I looove this blouse!
I finally got a pair of classic red heart sunglasses~
The mascara is a Forever21 product and I've only used it once but it's quite hard to remove ( ; ; )
some serious waterproof shit
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I got snacks too 。◕‿◕。
the green tea pocky was a pretty interesting taste ((((*。_。)
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I am absolutely in love with this shirt!!
it has cats..cats..catsssss
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I honestly couldn't help but get this hat to go along with the kitty shirt!
=(^,,◕ ⋏ ◕,,^=)~
and the jumper fits me perfectly ヽ(;▽;)
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collar and matching bracelet!
rokku coords here I come
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I ended up getting a new phone so I got a cute new case~~
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*screams* this dress! I felt like I looked like a maid in it for some reason
I seriously can't wait for some sunny days to wear all of this
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lunch I shared with my sister the other day
I'm hungry now though.... (-__-"
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being lazy I wore my glasses to work and decided to play in makeup later that day
Gyaru Makeup Pixel photo gyaruedit.gif
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nothing special you can't see my blue lenses ;;
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my face looked weirddd
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Lately the brand Swankiss has caught my eye!
And their model Hikapu is friggin adorable and a pretty good inspiration when it comes to hair styles!
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These were my favorite styles! (´ ▽`).。o♡
I'm definitely going to try these really soon!
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  1. OMG so cute! I love those overalls, I had so many pairs when I was little and am so happy that they're coming back in these cool new styles =D

    1. (´ ▽`).。o♡ ahh thank you!! (omg I only had one pair when I was little and they were baggy ;A;) I'm happy they're coming back too, they make me feel cute~
