Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: 2 months in 1 post! (coords & gets)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

2 months in 1 post! (coords & gets)

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Hello guys~!
sorry I haven't posted
school & work took up all my time
mianhae~~ photo tumblr_inline_mmzo1xDF2N1qz4rgp_zps42cf6619.gif
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*laughs over the denial and literal tears I'll shed during finals*

Let's play catch-up!

somewhere in the end of March
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my new bracelets!!

April 2
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new headband~
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April 3
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*Eiffel Towers

April 6
Wrestlemania XXX!!!
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I look gross in this picture but whatever
I was dressed as the lovely Aj Lee~
look at herrrr
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precious championship belt~
Watch her kick ass!
her finisher is the "Black Widow"
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( ˘ ³˘)❤ she's perfect
ok enough drooling over AJ...
I had sooo much fun at Wrestlemania with my sister!
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I won't bore you with my fangirling though~
I bought this Wrestlemania 30 jersey shirt to remember this day!
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My-Nhu and I went out for a lunch date to Good Time Sushi!
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It was deeeelicious!
Nhu ordered a lot
we ate as I took pictures lmao
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Volcano rolls & Crunchy rolls
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Good Times roll!
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what was left of a Caterpillar roll!
*nhu ate a lot more than I could*
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I forgot the name of this one lol

annddd Today!~~
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I know you've seen this dress,
we just went shopping and I just needed an excuse to wear my new mock thigh highs~
so excuse the outfit repeat
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I love them!

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mock thigh highs~
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Black Radiance Blackberry Bronzer
(say that fast 5 times omg)
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Black Radiance Toasted Almond Blush
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dresses you saw in the coords above ↑
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*I feel b-gyaru coords in the making lol*
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and I got new glasses~~~
even though my sight isn't very blog worthy
just thought you should know I won't be blind as a bat walking around the house now

Welp, see you guys next post!
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  1. I always love your blog posts <3 and great AJ lee outfit it's nice seeing another gal into wrestling :)

    1. Aww omg you're too sweet! thank you so much~~~ ♥ *hi five for being awesome~*
