Cute Hello Kitty Ami in Gyaruland: Circle Lenses!!(♥ó㉨ò)ノ♡

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Circle Lenses!!(♥ó㉨ò)ノ♡

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I've been moping around because it's almost time for me to go back to school..
sigh I don't wanna go baackk
and that means I'm back to work as well
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But anyway! I wanted to make this post on circle lenses that I'm actually going to buy soon
I noticed that I make posts saying "I can't wait to call this mine!" and whatnot, then I never purchase it lol
getting off topic again forgive me
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I've finally narrowed it down to
 photo tumblr_lx35r2495v1ql6slc_zpsad1d0ad8.gifGeo Super Nudy Brown
(my first pair of circle lenses were super nudy grey)
 photo tumblr_lx35r5TLMp1ql6slc_zps348a6370.gif Geo Angel Grey
(since I currently own angel blue & I love them so much!)
 photo tumblr_lx35r9bZAm1ql6slc_zps6fb441b7.gif Geo Ash Wing!
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I did some soul searching around for other's reviews and pictures from customers & all that good stuff!
So these are what helped me out~
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♥Geo Super Nudy Brown♥
geo snb photo geosupernudybrown_zps4a4ad434.png

she mentions that these lenses are the same thing as the "Wondereye Brown"
(I'll bring those up again further in the post....)

there's another video of the same girl comparing the Nudy Brown to the Super Nudy Brown here on youtube & I definitely like these more!

♥Geo Angel Grey♥
geo ag photo Geoangelgrey_zps2dcacd03.png
I found this to be very helpful! She compared them to the lenses I previously owned as I mentioned!

(skip to 2:30!!) I like this video because I believe she's filming outdoors so you get to see how the lens looks in outdoor lighting!

♥Geo Ash Wing♥
geo aw photo geoashgrey_zps87c32932.png
she disabled the embed setting so meh
you have to click the link~~
(you can see the lens alot better in this video!)
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If you remember, I got my Geo Princess Mimi Apple Green lenses like last month
(I was supposed to also get the Wondereye Brown buuuut there was a complication with Pinky Paradise, they told me that lens was out of stock after my order had already been processed... so they offered me a refund..
awesome right?
but I never got that refund and it's January of 2014........
fan fucking tastic..
so! I'll probably be ordering my next pair of lenses from another website.
who knows, I may end up back at Pinky Paradise..)
but any who..I never got around to that review for the Princess Mimi Apple Green because I believe the lenses I received are defective? I'm almost positive they are,
I've tried them on multiple occasions and the same thing happens.
This odd sting it's just uncomfortable
and it can't be the size of the lens that's uncomfortable!
The lenses are 15mm and I already own the Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown!
sooooo...I don't know what the issue is but I can't wear them at all
there's $30 I'll never get back...
I did ask around for recommendations of circle lens shops
so I'll ask here as well
Where do you prefer to buy your circle lenses???
*whispers: tell me in the commentssss~*
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allllllrighty then, I'm off to mope some more and maybe shed a tear or two as I count down my days of freedom...
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(人-ω-)。o.゚。*・♡Good Night♡・*。゚o。(-ω-人)
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